OPINION: We estimate cleverbridge 2016 revenues at $45 million, growing steadily at 17 p.a. The company has been late in its adoption of support for API-driven subscription sales capability and in its entrance into a Payment Facilitator (PayFac) model. The firm significantly increased its sales staff only in 2014, and its marketing efforts have been modest to date. The company services are priced commensurate with other full-service models.
USE CASE: The sweet spot for cleverbridge offerings is in companies with $5 million to $50 million in e-commerce sales, looking to expand globally, selling only virtual goods, and seeking a full-service (Merchant-of-Record) model. The use case for cleverbridge is not centered on excellence in any one specific area but is built on a solid value combination of e-commerce capabilities, a methodical approach to product development, quality support, highly satisfied customers, and a client-friendly economic model.
COMPETITORS: Avangate, Digital River, FastSpring, PayPro Global, and best of breed Agile Monetization tool suppliers