OPINION: BillingPlatform has made tangible progress in winning large, global, competitive deals and converting these wins into live implementations. The company’s business organization and marketing efforts have matured, benefiting from an expanded management team and partnerships while company visibility has increased. BillingPlatform’s Product score improved from 13.45 to 13.50. Its Management score rose from 12.60 to 13.13, reflecting several strong talent additions in sales, marketing, partnerships, and finance. Its Channels score is up from 8.31 to 8.49, reflecting growth, improved productivity, and new partner relationships. Its Strategy score improved from 10.79 to 12.31, and its Finance score remains unchanged at 12.07. The company is growing in high double digits while operating just below break-even. Detailed rating is provided in the attachment below.
USE CASE: The company solution has a particular sweet spot in monetizing complex hybrid (physical and digital) assets across a spectrum of industries including high-tech, media, transportation, and energy.
COMPETITORS: Aria Systems, BluLogix, Ericsson, goTransverse, Oracle, RecVue, SAP, Zuora.