OPINION: SAP remains the top-rated vendor in our Billing Management coverage. That said, its Product score declined from 12.81 to 12.51 as its competitors increased capability. Its Management, Channel, and Strategy scores are unchanged. Its Finance score increased from 9.96 to 10.18 reflecting higher EBITDA margin while the growth rate hovers around 18-20%. In March 2017, SAP rolled out its new SAP Hybris Revenue Cloud strategy and product. While significant and competent resources were devoted to this new cloud version, after about 15 months, there are still many unanswered questions regarding its dependence on the on-premise version and the rest of the SAP ecosystem as well as what the winning strategy going forward is. MGI will rate the cloud version of the solution once SAP has reference customers. We see many current SAP Hybris Billing customers looking to cloud-native solutions in this area for new business initiatives.
USE CASE: We continue to view the on-premise SAP Hybris Billing product as a premiere, high-end, real-time billing solution for large, complex enterprises willing to trade agility and ease of use for the benefits of a proven, high-performance, SAP-centric solution that tightly integrates billing, core financials, and BI.
COMPETITORS: Amdocs, Aria Systems, BillingPlatform, Ericsson, goTransverse, OpenCell Software, Oracle BRM, Zuora