OPINION: The improvement of BillingPlatform’s Product score from 12.76 to 13.45 reflects a steady stream of functional enhancements which culminated in Version 8 of BillingPlatform. The company’s Management score rose from 12.54 to 12.60 as it has built up its senior and middle management ranks (as well as its sales team) through investment of funds committed by Columbia Capital. It’s Channels score is up from 8.13 to 8.31 with growth in direct channel size and improved productivity. It’s Strategy score increased from 10.43 to 10.79 reflecting greater visibility and brand value. It’s Finance score decreased from 12.57 to 12.07 as the company is currently investing for growth which modestly impacts near-term operating profitability. BillingPlatform growth accelerated above the prior benchmark of 65%+ per year.
USE CASE: The BillingPlatform solution has a particular sweet spot in monetizing complex hybrid (physical and digital) assets across a spectrum of industries including ports, logistics, transportation, and energy.
COMPETITORS: Aria, Ericsson, goTransverse, Oracle, SAP, Zuora