OPINION: After a period of decline and consolidation, Digital River is once again growing and has returned to profitability. The company is evolving the Merchant of Record concept into a feature of its service and added a Seller of Record capability. The firm provides an all-in-one commerce platform including order capture and order management on a rev-share model. The product’s transformation has resulted in a far more modular agile monetization platform (AMP) approach and an open partnership strategy (e.g., with Salesforce, BillingPlatform) that allows it to integrate best of breed components.
USE CASE: Companies with revenue operations from $5 million to $500 million+ that need at scale, global fulfillment of B2C and B2B digital and physical goods with tight integration of CRM, order management, and e-Commerce systems as well as global tax, fraud, and compliance management. Digital River supports full stack, headless, and Merchant/Seller of Record deployments.
COMPETITORS: 2Checkout, cleverbridge, FastSpring, Nexway and best of breed Agile Monetization tool suppliers.