OPINION: Oracle-NetSuite’s once ambitious vision of delivering ARM and billing as part of a broader set of financial capabilities has refocused as NetSuite shifts toward capabilities focused on small to mid-sized organizations. NetSuite-ARM capabilities remain above average and have shown consistent improvement. NetSuite has built a vast third party network of solution providers and consultants that can assist clients in addressing automated revenue management, spurring the growth of a broad base of SME customers. While the NetSuite-ARM solution is priced aggressively and the company aims to accommodate existing NetSuite accounts in terms of pricing, the terms and conditions for the overall NetSuite solution (such as a full upfront payment for products and services) could be challenging for new customers. These issues can be partially—financially but not contractually—mitigated through the use of a financing option.
USE CASE: Mid-market (under $500 million) software and digital goods and services-oriented companies with modest volume and complexity intending to use Oracle-NetSuite as the sole source supplier for their financial infrastructure.
COMPETITORS: Financialforce, SaaSOptics, Sage-Intacct, Workday, Zone, Zuora, and ARM functionality from billing suppliers (e.g., Chargebee, Chargify, Fusebill)