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Agile Billing MarketLens™ – How Agile is Your Vendor? - MGI Research

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MGI Research has developed a tool to aid buyers, investors, and partners to accurately assess the myriad of vendors that make up the Agile Billing space: the MGI MarketLens. The MarketLens plots a select group of billing suppliers against several key coordinates – including solution agility, transaction complexity, volume of transactions/invoices, business model, and market segment. The MarketLens clarifies the range of use cases that 40 Agile Billing suppliers can address. The result is a concise assessment of product capabilities – shortening the buying process and reducing the risk of making the wrong choice.


In this webinar MGI analysts will explain how to characterize agility, complexity, and volume in tangible metrics, share their research on the capabilities of all the major billing vendors, and discuss how to best use the MarketLens to understand where each solution fits in the market.

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